Speak To Your Manager

If you’re losing the passion for your work, you can speak to your manager or your boss about it. Approaching them and letting them know that you’re feeling a little burnt out is a good way to start. They will likely empathise with you, and know what you’re going through. They may also have some ideas on how to overcome it. Make time to discuss it with your manager. They may be able to give you a different task or project to work on. They could also suggest someone to speak to within the company, such as HR or a senior colleague, who may also have some ideas. It doesn’t hurt to mention it.

Take A Day Off Work

Another thing you can do if you’re feeling burnt out is take a day off work. Put in a request for a day of annual leave, as soon as you can. The day off will help you feel better and it’s good for helping your work life balance. When you have your day off, don’t do anything work-related. Try not to even think about work. Do whatever you like–sleep in, exercise, watch TV, do housework, or go shopping. The point of this day is to make you feel better and relaxed. It’s only a single day off, but it’s surprising how good it can be sometimes. I’ve taken a day off occasionally to “recharge the batteries,” and it’s made a difference when I return to work!

Take A Longer Holiday

If a single day off doesn’t help, you may have other options. If you return to work, feeling just as bad as you did before, you should consider taking a longer holiday. Speak to your manager about taking a longer holiday. Most companies provide 3 or 4 weeks of paid annual leave. The reason for this is so we can take time off, usually over the end of year holiday period, to rest and relax and prepare for the new year. Take as much time off as you need. If you’ve been thinking about a place to visit for a while, this might be a good time to do it. It could be for a few weeks, or even a few months, if that’s what it takes to get the passion for your work back.

Move Into A Different Team

If the above options are not working for you, or you don’t think they are a good idea, then you can look at moving into a different team. Your company may have other teams related to yours, that are IT-based but do different work. There are a few benefits about working in a different team:

Working on new projects can be exciting and a good change. You get to work with new people. You can gain more experience in the company, which is good for your future. You can learn skills you otherwise would not have learnt.

Once again, speak to your manager if this is an option you’re considering. Make it clear that it’s not a personal issue against them or your team, it’s just an attempt to reignite the passion for your career.

Move Companies

If none of those options are working or they are not extreme enough, there’s another thing you can try. Move companies. That’s right, leave your job and apply for a job at another company. A totally new environment in a new company may help with getting the passion back. New people, new projects, even a new industry can all help you feel good about working in IT again. You might want to look for a job while you have a job, depending on your financial situation and the local economy. The last thing you want is to be unemployed for a few months because nobody is hiring. If you’re feeling burnt out, I hope these few tips can help you.