1. Woman Hides $41,000 In Undergarments

Airport officials were stunned to find a great deal of cash on a 78-year-old woman from Clearwater, Fla. The woman was traveling to the Philippines with her daughter and failed to declare the correct amount of money she was transporting.

2. Bride And Groom Arrested Over Cake Fight

The newly married Westport, Conn. couple were arrested for forcibly cramming cake into one another’s faces. They were released later that day. The incident happened in 1993, there are no further reports on whether the pair managed to stay married.

3. The Boston Molasses Flood

A molasses fermentation unit exploded early in the morning of, January 15, 1919. The flood killed 21 and injured 150. The wave rose to an unbelievable height of over 20 feet and moved quickly through the streets. The city brought a civil suit against the company for the explosion and were compensated for over $600,000 in damages.

4. Student Asks For Pennies To Pay For College

In 1987, a struggling student asked columnist Bob Greene of The Chicago Times to ask his readers for a penny to pay for Hall’s education. Bob Greene’s 2.8 million readers responded in a resounding manner to assist the student. Readers helped Hall hit his target of $28,000 to completely pay for his education.

5. Water Boiled In Microwave Can Explode

Although these occurrences are rare, water can be so heated in the microwave it is possible for it to explode. When water is heated in the microwave it is best to place something in the water to diffuse the heat. For example, place a tea bag or even a wooden stick to keep the water from getting super heated. Always follow the instructions that came with the microwave to prevent over heating.

6. Japanese Robbers Thank Bank For The Robbery

Talk about polite! After stealing $5.4 million, the robbers of the Kobe branch of the Fukutuko bank sent a note of gratitude. In the note they mentioned the fact that their robbery set them up financially for life.

7. German Ship Lutjen Salutes U.S.S. Churchill

Days after the September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, the Lutjen payed homage to the U.S.S. Churchill and her crew. The Lutjen crew, ‘manned her rails’ and flew the American flag at half-mast as the ship came alongside to pass the Churchill.

8. Man Fined For Pretending To Be A Ghost

Anthony Stallard, 24, of Portsmouth, England interrupted a graveside service while pretending to be a ghost. Police arrested the then drunk Stallard and he was later fined for his ghoulish behavior.

9. Man Gets Scalped By Escalator

The man was treated in a Savanna, Georgia hospital. The unidentified man was treated for his wounds and the story is purported to air on Untold Stories Of The E.R.

10. Woman Crashes Car With Stolen Snake Around Her Neck

Sarah Espinosa, 24, of Albany, New York crossed the median and ran into both a car and a fire house. The snake appeared to have been stolen from a nearby pet store. Ms. Espinosa was charged with driving while under the influence and petty larceny.

11. Woman Finds Human Bones In Shopping Bags

Kicki Karlén, an author, found the bags full of bones while doing research for her book. The bones were excavated and had been sitting in the church since 2009. An archaeologist, Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay, estimated the bones to be about 500 years old.

12. Woman Who Tried To Kill Spider Set Fire To Home

There are at least four official reports of people who have set fires to their homes in trying to kill a spider. Both men and women have lit an aerosol in an effort to kill the spider only to have their homes be set ablaze.

13. Boy Fights Alligator And Wins

A 9-year-old decided to go swimming in a restricted lake in Osceola, FL county. He was suddenly attacked by a 15-foot alligator that weighed between 400 and 500 pounds. The boy survived by fighting back and escaped with only superficial wounds.

14. Teenagers Busted For Carrying Ivory Across The Border

A stricter ban is being put into use over ivory let into the United States. However, the ban is supposed to be any ivory after 1976, the ivory being carried in the bagpipes was from the 1930’s. The teens were returning to the States after a warm-up musical routine in preparation for the world bagpipe competition in Scotland.

15. Prize Winning Goat Goes Missing From Fair

The goat went missing from the Greeley, Colo county fair. The goat belongs to 18-year-old David Smith, whose father said the goat likely escaped to a nearby field. The police have no leads.

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