Are you curious about the history and nutritional value of chocolate? With this infographic, you don’t have to be. Chocolate has been around for ages. Up to this day, the tasty treat is considered to be an uplifting reward due to its powerful properties. The rise of processed chocolate has damaged its reputation. Studies that highlight the negative effects of the dark dessert are often referring to the sugar and preservatives that are added to commercial chocolate. The truth is, chocolate in its natural form is healthy. It can give you a clean energy boost and raise your endorphin levels. Furthermore, the yummy treat does not cause acne. This means that it is possible to incorporate unprocessed chocolate in a healthy diet. A moderate and regulated amount of the sweet dessert can do more good than harm and even help decrease unwanted cravings. Chocolicious: Facts And Myths About Chocolate (Health Infographics) | Design Infographics