The fungus will grow if it is supported by conditions such as a weak immune system, abnormal pH levels of skin, moist environment, diabetes, sweaty shoes and bad hygiene. It should be treated as it can lead to splitting, cracking and in severe cases complete loss of a toenail. Here are some of the cures for toenail fungus infections:

1. Baking Soda and Sodium Borate

Baking soda is readily available and pretty effective against the toenail fungus. It will also get rid of foot odor. Borax or Sodium Borate is a naturally occurring mineral which is effective against the fungus as it is alkaline. The fungus needs an acidic environment to flourish. Combining baking soda and borax will give you a paste. Use this paste twice daily for at least a week and there will be no more fungus to bother you.

2. Orange Oil

It is a natural anti-fungal. Apply it on the nail by using a dropper daily. Let the oil soak in. It maybe a little strong for people with sensitive skin. But they can use it by diluting the orange oil by adding natural carriers such as olive oil. Test the oil on a spot of healthy skin before applying it on the infected area to make sure that you do not have an allergy to it.

3. Tea Tree Oil

This is an exceptional remedy. It is both an antiseptic and a fungicidal cure. Apply undiluted oil on the infected area. Before using it, make sure that the part of the skin is rubbed with alcohol. After applying the oil, allow it  to soak in for about ten minutes. After it is absorbed, brush it with a soft toothbrush. It can also be mixed with all natural carriers such as almond or olive oil.

4. Lavender Oil

Lavender has anti-fungal properties. This makes it an effective remedy for mild toenail fungus. A few drops of lavender oil can be applied to the infected area. This oil should be used every night. Make sure that it is soaked in. Cover the feet with woollen socks, so that the oil does not rub off before it has soaked in. Avoid using socks made of synthetic fabric as it can worsen the infection.

5. Cornmeal

This is an unusual remedy for toenail fungus. It contains a natural form of fungus which is harmless to the human body. It will kill Candida, which is the most common parasite for causing common fungal diseases. Take a container and fill it with water. Let the cornmeal soften in this water. Submerge the infected feet in the mixture for at least half an hour. It can be repeated as often as you want.

6. Topical Anti-Fungal Medication

This medicine can be applied as an ointment on the infected toenail. It is combined with other systemic antifungal drugs. It should be implemented on the infected area at least twice a day until the new nail grows.

7. Laser Treatment

This treatment includes Pinpointe type laser therapy, Noveon type treatment, and Fox Diodelaser therapy. These treatments are very effective against toenail infections. They heat the fungus killing it, and the infection is gone.

8. Surgery

The toenail fungus can be treated with surgery. With surgical debridement, the infected nail is removed surgically. If only a small portion of the nail is infected, then that part can be removed surgically. Another treatment is the surgical destruction of the nail matrix. The nail matrix is the base of the nail that is responsible for growing a new nail. This treatment is for severe cases. It keeps the nail from growing back. Prevention is the best toenail fungus treatment. You can save yourself a lot of trouble and pain by making sure that toenail fungus is cured in its early stages.