Nooooooo!!!! If you want to avoid days like this, there are standard things you can add to your daily routine: washing your face multiple times a day, reducing the use of oily hair products and monitoring your diet. But in this article we’ll discuss some lesser-known secrets to clear, vibrant skin.

1. It Might be Time to Consider a Different Birth Control Regimen

Obviously, this one involves a conversation with your doctor. But one of the more common facial blemishes that affects adults (especially females) is something called Melasma. According to Ethos Spa, “It is a chronic skin disorder that results in symmetrical, blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation.” Some people will develop these discolorations temporarily during pregnancy, while others experience long-term discoloration as a result of menopause. The good news is that for many sufferers, a simple adjustment to the type of birth control taken can help counterbalance complications associated with hormones and reduce the effects of Melasma.

2. The Hangover isn’t the Only Side-Effect of Drinking by the Pool

It’s summer! That means long afternoons spent tanning poolside and hopefully a few parties with friends and family to celebrate a well-deserved break. Unfortunately, a heavy day or night of drinking can leave you with more than just a common hangover. According to Sobur, “…drinking alcohol depresses the immune system, and the immune system helps keep acne-causing bacteria under control.” Hear that? Your immune system isn’t just for keeping the flu and common-cold at bay. Your skin is being inundated with acne-causing bacteria on a daily basis, and the biggest thing preventing breakout is your immune system, which heavy drinking can completely sideline. Plus, waking up the next morning after a less-than-restful sleep due to heavy drinking can leave you with owl eyes. According to BuyerReview, “Heredity and things like Allergies are the cause for some people, but most begin to suffer from dark circles as their skin begins to age. There are many reasons that dark circles appear, many of which are lifestyle choices.” While age is definitely a factor, lifestyle choices like heavy drinking can accentuate the problem areas under your eyes. Water down your drinks, or order a club soda next time. Or stick with water and save money while protecting your skin’s radiance.

3. Is Your Makeup Doing More Harm Than Good?

The part of me that loves conspiracy theories thinks that the cosmetic industry may be developing products that ruin your natural skin on purpose. That war paint you’re putting on before heading out to the club could actually be ruining your natural skin’s vitality. And, what do you do when you experience a breakout? Of course, you layer on more and more makeup until it becomes a daily habit to hide blemishes. Looking beautiful shouldn’t be about unloading a bottle of chemicals on your face every morning. Give your skin a chance to breathe between chemical-rich cosmetics. And, obviously, wash your face every night before heading to bed. Sleeping with makeup on can be a recipe for disaster as it clogs pores and allows even more of the chemicals to be absorbed by the skin.

4. Eat Your Greens

Green, leafy vegetables are full of the antioxidants your skin needs to stay healthy and radiant. According to the Health section of How Stuff Works, “Antioxidants are nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and enzymes (proteins inside your body) that can help to prevent and repair damage to your body’s tissue.” To keep your skin looking healthy and radiant, make sure you’re consuming a balanced diet of all the vitamins and minerals your body relies on to stay healthy and looking its best.

5. Honey is Sweet and Great for Your Skin!

Pouring some honey on your oatmeal in the morning? While the container’s open, grab a couple extra dollops for your skin. Cold sores on your lips and cracked, dry skin can be restored by dabbing a little honey along damaged skin cells. Honey is known for its nutritious, healing properties and your skin, being your body’s largest organ, absorbs those properties from honey. Plus, who wouldn’t want to kiss your honey-coated lips?

6. Grab Some Shade

While you’re sitting by the pool this summer, make sure you lather up with some high-SPF sunscreen and find some shade. There are few things more damaging to your skin than prolonged exposure to the sun’s damaging UV radiation (UVA, UVB and UVC). I recommend a sunscreen with an SPF between 30 and 50. If you’re tired of waking up in the morning to skin that’s full of blemishes, acne and blackheads, take these 6 pieces of advice to heart. They really make a big difference, and it isn’t that difficult to work these tips into your daily routine. Featured photo credit: Laleyla5 at via