If you feel this way at times, here’s what you need to know in order to stop relying on anyone else but yourself and start being your best cheerleader. Of course, your closest family members want all the best for you, and your friends as well. Yet, there will be certain times when even your parents won’t be able to support you. Sometimes they will disagree with your plans simply because they don’t understand, and that’s fine, as long as you’ve got your own back and believe in yourself, you will be just fine. Other times, you and your once close friends will grow distant and the support that you were used to getting from them will disappear. Those are the conditions you can’t really control. What you can control is the relationship that you have with yourself. As long as you don’t give up on yourself and continue to cheer yourself on even through the worst times, you will become much less dependent upon others’ support and approval. Apart from not getting the support from the people who truly care about you, you will come across many mean people whose sole intention will be to undermine you and your work. That is why you have to build your own support system in order to not get discouraged. Another important truth you need to realize in order to stop looking for support outside yourself, is that everyone is fighting their own battle. If you take the time to think about the life of any person you know, you will realize that we are all working on some of our personal issues. Therefore, to expect others to constantly support us would be quite selfish and egocentric. Having great family and group of friends is amazing, yet understanding that they won’t be around to cheer us all the time is what will make us stronger and more self-reliant. Featured photo credit: https://unsplash.com/ via unsplash.com